VivaMK is active for 11 months now and the business helps people making money, This page is about "Proof" that VivaMK works , it can work for anyone else who is motivated, consistent and inspired by other People's Success. Any new starter can create their own success from Day 1 , whether they are looking for an extra income or want to build a business for life. Building a business for life does NOT mean this is a get rich quick scheme, no , any new starters and even current distributors like myself must be consistent and work persistently their business, must have believe in what they are doing. This kind of Business is not build over a fortnight, it can take months to make a full time income. As stated "any new starter can create their own success from Day 1" this is true. It can't be easier . Selling skills are not required, knocking on doors is not required , in fact cold calling at someones door is illegal. We simply deliver and collect our cata...
Welcome.My name is Ivonne Meisel .I have joined VivaMK on 25. June 2018 as soon the company was launched. I was also the first person who has joined. VivaMK is a catalogue and online Home Shopping company. Does VivaMK really work? We are offering products that people want. Thousands of products are being sold by Independent Distributors weekly. Do people really make money with delivering catalogues in their local area or with working online? Read this blog and find out yourself.