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Showing posts from September, 2022

Join VivaMK for free in September

 Excellent news came in today.  From today, anyone can (from the age of 18 years or older) join us in September for free .  How? Simply visit  , select the Sharing September Starter kit and complete your details on the next page. As a Sharing September Distributor you receive the same website tools like any distributor That's a  full working web shop access to the Distributor ordering site the opportunity to request a Post Pay facility once a £50 / €60 value of orders have been submitted a full working and personalised enrollment page access to the Front Row Team's websites and their online tools , training , video tutorials and more Once a £25 / €30 value of orders have been placed , you receive free samples of 4 of our VivaMK branded products (to keep, to try and to share with customers) a business kit with  5 catalogues of every catalogue available, order forms and snappy bags plus you get the chance...